Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What have we been up to???

We have been busy lately! First we will start of with Barry...he has been doing wonderful at work and getting more and more cases all the time! And he is training for a marathon in November in San Antonio, so that keeps him quite busy in any spare time he has between work and family! We are very proud of him.

Next Mari..I have been very busy with the kids, Medhawk and doing a new workout routine with my good friend Melissa. We do a workout class or somedays two! Love the classes and Gracie and Jack love their time at Villa Kids.

Gracie is doing amazing at ballet and she just loves it and we are amazed by all the new dancing she had learned and how serious she takes it! This Saturday we get a sneak peak! She met her teachers today and we are so excited for her school year. Gracie has the most wonderful teachers and even one knows my friends from USC and Barry went to high school with them! Such a small world! Gracie will get to make pancakes, cupcakes, paint, do dress up, go to chapel and learn so much! We cannot wait for it to start next week!

And Jack...he is still Happy Busy Jack! Jack just loves life! He had a special Mommy date this week and loved it but was very worried where his "Gace" was at and missed her! Jack had a fun week playing with friends and he now loves to build!!

We are so proud of both kids and they continue to amaze us each day and were so blessed!

Here are some pictures from our week...Jacks playgroup, Gracie's meet and greet and our playdate with our new friends AJ, Jackson and baby Luke! And we have pics from the week before at Sweet Callies birthday! Gracie loves to play with Callie and Jack loves her!

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