Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tree Lighting at Market Street!

I know it seems odd since its not Thanksgiving yet but we went to Market Street tonight with friends to watch the big Texas size 70 foot tree be lit up!

The Big Picnic at School

We had so much fun today at the Big Picnic at school! It was so much fun this year that both Gracie and Jack's class went together. So cute to see all the kids dress up and enjoy their fish and bread!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

It's a BOY!

We will be adding another baby boy to the family this spring! Were very excited to meet this lil man. He is very active in the belly and his brother and sister cant wait to have him here!

Cant wait to meet this lil man and I wonder if he will look like Gracie and Jack! They still look so much alike and as babies I could not get over it!

Gracie Takes Home Flowers the Penguin

Gracie was so excited to get to take home the class penguin Flowers this week! Flowers is keeping busy!

Grammie and Grampa Come to Visit!

Last week Grammie and Grampa came to visit us! We had so much fun and did so much in 5 days! The kids loved spending time with them and so did we! We sure miss them but so happy to see them next month in Cali!!

Here are some pictures!

Fall Fun!

We have had a fun and busy fall so far! We have had fun at Halloween parties, birthday parties, pumpkin patches and more!

Here are some pictures to enjoy!!