Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 2 of School, Painting, Jacks Haircut and More!

Gracie had another great second day of school last Friday and she keeps telling me, "Mommy I think you forgot to take me to school today!" I really didnt forget she goes Thursday and Friday!

And we wanted Jack to feel special so Gracie and I took him to the boy haircut place and he loved all the attention! He was also thrilled not to be at that girl place Sweet and Sassy! Jack is also asking to wear "onionwear" also known  as underwear. He is so proud!

Yesterday I recieved a birthday box from my parents and the kids got fun treats too which they just loved...and Gracie painted a dolphin today and painted her face and body! So fun!

Enjoy some pictures! We are all back to life and survived a bad tummy bug...somehow Jack never got or he was just too busy to have it slow him down!

One quick Gracie funny...She informed me why Jack was crying earlier...it was that he finally realized he cant marry me Mom!

And a Jack funny...after everything I say he says "Ohhhh or WOW or Why ?

Love both these two lil loves so much!

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