Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day & Happy Anniversary to Grandma & Grampa!

Happy Labor Day weekend!!! And Happy Anniversary to my sweet and wonderful role model parents!! They are incredible parents and we look to them as such good examples and hope to be just like them after 35 plus years of marriage!!!

We have had a wonderful Labor Day weekend and enjoyed Daddy being home on Monday. Even though he wasnt on call he went to the hospital a couple of times but we have had a great time and gone to the gym, had a cook out with friends, dinner with Barrys doctor and family, went to Wonderwild and we even went for a long family walk since the weather has cooled down to the low 80's! It feels amazing out and I am actually cold since my body is so use to these 100 plus days! The kids just love being able to run around outside again and play with their friends!

Here are some pictures from our weekend!

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