Thursday, September 8, 2011

Our First's First Day of Preschool!

Gracie was so excited about her First Day of School today and it could not have gone any better! Gracie made new friends right away and had so much fun! We are so proud of her and love hearing all the things she learned about and all about her new teachers and friends! Gracie told us last night she was so excited but also a lil nervous. She was such a big girl and walked right in and started having fun! She met a sweet boy first and they did play doh together and then in walked a cute little girl Olivia and Gracie loved playing with her and told me that she wishes Santa would bring her a dress like Olivias! And Gracie was so excited to find her name on her cubby and on the wall!

Jack was sad to leave his best friend "Gaycee" but soon perked up when he met his friend Cole and his Mommy for a coffee date. The two boys were so good and had fun together talking about Elmo! While Jack and I walked back to get Gracie at her school the two directors said,  "Oh Gracie belongs to you, we just love her and she sure can talk...she told us all about her First Day of school treats she got! She is going to do wonderful in her class!" So glad to hear good things from the Director!!

Were excited for this new chapter in Gracies life and ours...Our big Preschooler girl! Or as Gracie says Im the Princess Preschooler!!

Here are some pictures!

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