Friday, September 16, 2011


Look at What Gracie Learned and Did at School this Week! LOVE her school and teachers! I love having Gracie tell me what she does at school and shes getting to be such the big school girl!

BOOKS WE READ: What I Like About You, From Head To Toe, Mrs. McNosh Hangs Her Wash, and Clifford’s Family.
FUN THINGS WE DID: This week our Robins settled into their Robin schedule, putting away their backpack, placing their bird in the tree and washing their hands.  We practiced  sitting criss cross apple sauce – fishes in a pond during circle time; we also learned how to sit in a pattern (boy – girl), throwing away our trash away after we finish our snack and going to the book center to read while waiting for our friends, and lining up on the green line to go outside.  We are also learning to count in Korean, French and Spanish before we pray.  We made “circle soup” for snack this week with marshmallows, Cherrios and Kixx, sang Drivin In My Car, Ten Fingers and Ten Toes, Happy And You Know It and we can’t forget our Ruby Robin favorite Skinamirink!   
READINESS SKILLS: As our Robins settle in to their new surroundings we will be learning how to play table games.  We will be working on recognizing our colors, our shapes, our numbers and counting.  We had animal grabbers and pom poms, tweezers and pom poms and scissors with straws to work on fine motor.  Scissors and straws are a so much fun to cut!  We counted with footballs and pom poms, made faces with playdough and drew pictures at the easel. 
Our sand table had purple sand, itty-bitty shells, colanders, shovels and buckets.   Our water table had pipe cleaners and beads for building fine motor skills. 
ART:   We had so much fun with art this week.  Our Robins drew their first self-portrait, used the magic mirror to paint their face, collages for a very special book and we worked as a group to mix colors in a pool!  Watch for the pictures on Snapfish! 
CHAPEL:  I Am Wonderfully Made, Psalm 139:14
Ms. Melinda came to the Robin room for our first chapel; she also brought her friend Scrappy the dog.  We learned in the beginning God made the light, the clouds, the night, and the mountains and said “that is good” but God knew he wanted to make more so made the animals and people and said “now it’s all good.”  On the seventh day God rested. 

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