Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patricks Day!!

We had such a fun St. Patricks Day! We started our morning at Villa Sport...Mommy got a good workout in while the kids had so much fun. Gracie told me she made some new friends, did art, and played in the sand. Jack told me, "Ball, Go, Ball!" Jack is always so sad to leave the kids gym!

And then we went to our friends house and had the cutuest St Patricks Day lunch and playdate. Juli did such an amazing job with all the green food for us and the kids. Jack just adores Luke who is 5 and they love playing. And Gracie and Olivia loved playing kitchen, babies and Dora! So blessed and lucky to have met the Evans family! We moved within a couple of days from each other and its made life so fun!

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