Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sparkly Clean Teeth!

Wow..Gracie's First Trip to the Dentist a Major Success! So proud of Gracie...poor Jack was dying to have the dentist touch his teeth and kept pointing and touching his so he ended up with 3 dental assitants flirting with him the whole time! Gracie was so good the dentist was so impressed and he told Gracie she was cavity free, does a great job brushing and has perfect teeth! Gracie told me that the Dentist gave her a note that said.."Gracie youre the best the Dentist has ever seen and you have no catheters, I am so proud of you!" And she got a bag, water bottle and toothbrush. Mommy even likes the dentist although he trained at UCLA :) but hes great and from LA!

Shes beaming about her white teeth and that she gets to play with Katie her babysitter. They are busy planting princess flowers and plants. Jack cant figure out what they are doing and he is yelling ball, ball, ball! And tonight Daddy has a dinner with doctors so our sweet friends invited us over for dinner.

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