Monday, March 21, 2011

Making Cookies!

Gracie, Jack and I made cookies this afternoon! At first I was trying to tell Gracie how to make the cookies just perfectly on the tray but she told me its ok Mom I can do it. So Gracie arranged the cookies just the wat she wanted and they came out perfectly! Jack loved watching and was our lil helper!

Made me realize that sometimes you just have to let them do it there way and makes them so happy!

So Gracie had her smoothie this morning and told me..."Mom this is a great smoozchy, I just love it!" You have to hear how she says it, it ranks up there with ridicoulous! And then Jack everytime he sees a ball he yells with excitment BALL! Today it was so cute, I said Jack do you want to go to the gym and he ran over and got his shoes and tried to put on! The boy loves to go to the kids gym and outside! Love these two cuties and they are my best lil pals that give so much love and entertainment!

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